Sunday, May 14, 2006

Jerusalem, Israel, May 14, 2006

Wow, its the 3rd day of the Birthright Israel adventure trip i'm on and its been so packed with sightseeing and partying and new people and good times. I still can't believe its free! and i can't believe 40 of us Canadians were strangers a few days ago and now we're all travel buddies!

Today we hiked through an ancient underground aqeduct with water up to our knees, it was so cool! also did other random sightseeing of the ancient city and learnt about its history and other various Jewish propaganda. Despite the trip's clear intentions, its actually very objective with the information and history we learn.

Only in Israel;
Does a waiter almost trip over someone's army-issue m-16 rifle at dinner and not think twice about it.
Do people on the job (such as our tour guide) not only have his cell phone on, but answer calls midway through talking to us.
Does an armed guard come clubbing with us with his rifle slung over his shoulder.
Do you have to pay for a bag of mud (granted its dead sea therapeutic mud but still)
Can a 4 year old kid with a water gun get away with spraying random people as they walk by on a crowded street!

Speaking of which we went clubbing last night on Ben-Yehuda street and Hebrew hip hop is really cool.


At May 14, 2006 at 12:57 PM, Blogger PhotoDiarist said...

Fuckin awesome man, I didn't even know you were going to Israel! So it's free eh? I'm guessing you have to be Jewish or something? Cuz otherwise, I'm totally in next year (can I pretend to be Jewish?)

I hope you're taking some good pics - be sure to post some when you have time or when you come home. How long you over there for?


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