Monday, May 29, 2006

Jerusalem again, May 29th, 2006

So 2 nights (Saturday) ago Todd Karen and i went to Tel Aviv for the night for one lastt night of partying and reunion with all the people onn my birthright trip that were still inn Israel, it was good times.

Funny story, this girl Michelle from the trip saw someone wearing a Toronto Canada tshirt earlier that day and had yelled, hey! i'm from Toronto! the guy turns around and says hey! i'm from Israel! haha

On Sunday, apart from being hungover we went to the beach for the day. i got burnt. boo. so random though, at one point me dave and dean are walking down the beach and 3 middle aged portugese women wanted a picture with us, so we got in there picture, and then 2 Israeli girls were walking by and we brouht them into the picture too. i really want that picture!

some more observations:
- everyone has cellphones! its such a cellphone culture
- people are more direct and blunt here compared to Canada. one of those cultural differences i really like. people are more sarcastic and friendly too i find which makes for the feeling of getting comfortable with people much faster which i like.

moving in with Freeman in TA in 2 days!


Thursday, May 25, 2006

Jerusalem May 25th, 2006

Last night was the beginning of Jerusalem day, and my myself, karen, todd, my dad, aunt Nitza, cousin moran, cousin elad and his gf lian saw Sarit Hadad live in concert for free! (she's an Israeli pop singer).

In other news someone i know has been approached by the Israeli secret service and just completed the first series of tests this past weekend. thats pretty cool.

Some pictures from my trip:

some family pictures from after the trip

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Jerusalem May 23rd, 2006

Well the organized Birthright trip ended yesterday and i'm now back in Jerusalem at my Uncle Motti's place using the internet. Its been such a crazy 10 days. we've done so much! here's a list of some of the highlights:

- clubbing in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv
- Yad Vashem Holocaust museum. was very moving.
- camel riding in the desert. camels are so funny looking!
- planting a tree
- floating in the dead sea
- taking part in an actual archeological dig site
- camping 2 nights, one in a bedouin camp, the other in a campground in the desert
- doing a military exercise the night in the desert with the 7 Israeli's that accompanied us for 5 days
- many hikes all over Israel. one of them included a British geologist informing us of the area which was interesting. another involved getting up at 4am to catch the sunrise atop Massada.
- many discussions and debates with each other and Israeli's about the purpose and history of the state of Israel, the holocaust, moral issues, etc.
-rapelling down a waterfall
-rafting down the Jordan river

I'd say maybe thats about half of what we did! our days were so packed with activities, we were always soo tired, but of course it was worth it. The 7 Israeli's that were with us for 5 days are our age and its just so amazing what different lives they live, having to go to the army for 3 years when they turn 18.

Oron (or Pinto as he's called) is in Shesh Shesh Tesha (669, rescue unit) told us a story for example of how one mission involved helicoptering for 1-2 hours into Gaza (thats alot of gas btw) to save a Palestinian boy who had just been shot by an Israeli soldier just before he was about to throw a molotov cocktail at an Israeli jeep containing 4 people. they saved the boy so thats great, but this kid was about to kill 4 of his friends! and its not like he had any choice in the matter anyway, he is just given orders. Its just crazy how while we're going to univeristy and partying, people our age living in another developped democratic country have to deal with these issues.

Our guide Aviad was awesome too, told some funny stories. one was, apparently, a few years ago he was doing a birthright trip and when they went to the dead sea, 2 people in the group decided it'd be a great idea to have sex in the dead sea. Now its so salty and contains so many minerals and who knows what else that even the smallest cut stings, it would really hurt to pee, and having sex would just be a terrible idea! so the girl comes running out, runs to the medic, says ahh! it burns! and the medic didn't know what to do, so he told her to get a popsicle haha

Any way i could go on, but i'll end here. the highlight of the trip for me i think was the people, met some great friends all over Canada, and just had an amazing fun packed week and a half.

Finally Pictures! although many didn't burn correctly onto CD so i'll only get those when i'm back in Canada and get pics off people's facebooks etc

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Jerusalem, Israel, May 14, 2006

Wow, its the 3rd day of the Birthright Israel adventure trip i'm on and its been so packed with sightseeing and partying and new people and good times. I still can't believe its free! and i can't believe 40 of us Canadians were strangers a few days ago and now we're all travel buddies!

Today we hiked through an ancient underground aqeduct with water up to our knees, it was so cool! also did other random sightseeing of the ancient city and learnt about its history and other various Jewish propaganda. Despite the trip's clear intentions, its actually very objective with the information and history we learn.

Only in Israel;
Does a waiter almost trip over someone's army-issue m-16 rifle at dinner and not think twice about it.
Do people on the job (such as our tour guide) not only have his cell phone on, but answer calls midway through talking to us.
Does an armed guard come clubbing with us with his rifle slung over his shoulder.
Do you have to pay for a bag of mud (granted its dead sea therapeutic mud but still)
Can a 4 year old kid with a water gun get away with spraying random people as they walk by on a crowded street!

Speaking of which we went clubbing last night on Ben-Yehuda street and Hebrew hip hop is really cool.