Saturday, June 03, 2006

Tel Aviv June 3rd

The past 2 days i've been living the life. Partying hard at night, waking up at 12 and spending the rest of the day at the beach! This lifestyle will end tomorrow though when i get up early to check out hebrew classes. i'll probably be learning hebrew intensively 5 days a week for the next month. i need to be productive so this will be good.

Last night was awesome! after a dinner of terds on rice Freeman and I crammed 15 people into Freeman's tiny apartment in Tel Aviv. The place is so small my bed doubles as a couch, the computer seat and the table as we're eating breakfast on it right now. Its a really nice place though. afterwards we went bar hopping, had a great night, talking to various people in english and hebrew, although my hebrew doesn't get me very far at all lol once we got kicked out of Lima Lima's at the end of the night for playing with the DJ equipment we retired to the pad in sketchy South Tel Aviv. There's hardly any hebrew speaking Israeli's in Freeman's building, its mostly philipino's and russian's, makes for an interesting dynamic.

i've been getting a great taste of both the hebrew speaking community here mostly through Freeman's army friends, as well as the anglo community (thats what they call themselves). theres like quite the niche of english speakers here, there's even a tel aviv anglo yahoo group. anyway we're off to the beach. lehitraot. oh! btw, look up hadag nachash , great Israeli hip hop.


At June 3, 2006 at 8:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

C'mon ron, where are the pictures?!?

hahaha, sounds like you're having an awesome time, wish I was there.



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